The Drunk Project
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Have you ever found a drunk and wondered what to do with it?
Here are some simple steps for your next drunk, what you do after the Final Step is up to you.

Step 1: Find Your Drunk
a person laying face down in the grass is usally a drunk
Step 2: Drag Your Drunk Into A Well Lit Area (helpful for Step 4)
a low traffic street is a fine choice
Step 3: Examine Your Drunk
be sure to laugh as well
Step 4: Have Fun With Your Drunk!
preform various activities on your drunk while they are still incoherent, here is a example, I'll leave the other options to your own imagination

*remember there is nothing a drunk won't do...go wild!
Step 5: Kidnapp Your Drunk Method 1
load them on your Drunk Bus and fill them with bottled water
Kidnapp Your Drunk Method 2
if your drunk is resistant, desperate measures must be taken, but I assure you, Method 1 will most likly work
Final Step: Get Your Drunk In Bed
for recuperation and/or a easy lay

I wish I was drunk